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Asia Society Hong Kong - Women in the Arts Panel Discussion

8 March 2013

12.15 - 2.00pm


Asia Society Hong Kong

9 Justice Drive, Admiralty

Hong Kong


In 1971, Linda Nochlin wrote an essay whose title posed a question that would pioneer an entirely new branch of art history. The essay — "Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists?" — explored possible reasons why "greatness" in artistic accomplishment was only within the purview of the male gender. Nochlin argues that social predilections and education systematically precluded the emergence of great women artists. Now over 40 years since Nochlin’s ground-breaking essay, how have women in the arts challenged the status quo? Do women still experience a subliminal gender bias? Is there a glass ceiling within the arts establishment for women? Are the challenges of the 21st century any different than those in the past? Panelists will consider what it is to be a woman and work in the arts today.

Panel Discussion with Light Lunch with Lalla Essaydi, Artist, Davina Lee, Curator, Melissa Lee, Public Art Curator and Consultant, Nancy Tong, Documentary Filmmaker, Joanna Lee, Founder of Museworks (Moderator)

For tickets to this event, please access the following link
